Accura™ Steering System With a patented spring clutch the Accura eliminates continuous loads on the steering wheel while the direction of the boat is not being actively changed, which is highly recommended for outboard and sterndrives without power assist. The T73NRFC anti-feedback helm included with the Accura package also features a Planetary Gear Design for smooth and more balanced steering effort. A direct drop in replacement for competing systems, the Accura also comes with the M66 Universal
Rotary Steering Cable with stainless steel output fittings for maximum longevity and smooth steering. The cable is available in 1-ft increments from 6 to 20 feet (See how to choose the correct length when ordering)
Whats in The Box
Accura™ Steering System T73NR FC - anti-feedback helm, X34 - 90° bezel and 1 M66 - steering cable
The T73NRFC anti-feedback helm included with the Accura package also features a Planetary Gear Design for smooth and more balanced steering effort. A direct drop in replacement for competing systems, the Accura also comes with the M66 Universal Rotary Steering Cable with stainless steel output fittings for maximum longevity and smooth steering.