32-8M2001709 Vazer Hose Breather Mercury OEM

Price: $15.99
  • SKU32-8M2001709
32-8M2001709 Vazer Hose Breather Mercury OEM
32-8M2001709 Vazer Hose Breather Mercury OEM

Fits Mercrusier 100 Vazor 350 4 Barrel Gen+ 357 Alppha Mag Bravo 383 Mag Bravo 496 Mag EC 8.1L EC

Replaced by the following Mercury PN's 32-8M2001709 32-8M2012906 32-8M0062669 328M0062669
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

Breather hose

Review by Kevin on 6/11/2020

I had two scrap tubes from previous owner in place. These fit perfect and I received them quick. thanks much!

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